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5991 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 1Y6   -   902.425.7928   -


As a Registered Optician in Nova Scotia, each year you are required to renew your Certificate of Registration on or before March 31st. 

    Renew Your License using the Registrant Portal

    The renewal section of the registrant portal opens on March 1st. of every year. An email is sent to remind registrants it is time to renew by signing into the portal. If necessary you can reset your password with the reset password feature.
    When you begin the renewal process please ensure you have the items listed below ready :
    InsuranceYou are required to provide proof of your Professional Liability Insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000. to the College as part of your renewal. To ensure your renewal can be approved right away, please have a copy of your insurance certificate available for upload.

    Professional Development Credits (applies as well to non-practicing):

    • Dispensing Opticians require eight (8.0) credits to renew.
    • Dispensing Opticians and Contact Lens Fitters require ten (10.0) credits to renew.
    • Credits taken in March may be counted toward the renewal for the following year. We no longer receive continuing education credit information from instructors or other organizations, confirmation of your CEC credits can be uploaded when renewing online.
    • Detailed CEC Guidelines

    If you are not renewing online

    The above requirements must be submitted using Canada Post along with a completed Application for Renewal and a cheque or money made payable to NSCDO for the appropriate fee.

    Requirements can be sent to:

    Nova Scotia College of Dispensing Opticians
    Suite 342, Halifax Professional Centre
    5991 Spring Garden Road
    Halifax, NS   B3H 1Y6

    Alternatively, requirements can be dropped off at the above address.

    Renewal Deadline

    The College is mandated to send suspension notices to all registrants who have not renewed by March 31st.To avoid late fees, to confirm there are no outstanding requirements, and to ensure you are eligible to practice for the upcoming year, please renew prior to March 31st. 

    Renewal Outcomes

    Not Renewing

    If you have decided to not renew your Certificate of Registration, please notify the College of your decision. You will receive an acknowledgement email from the College. Your status on the public register will be changed.

    Outstanding Requirements

    If you complete your renewal but do not submit all required documents, or the documents require review by the Registration department, you will receive an email notifying you that your renewal is on hold pending the submission and/or review of the outstanding requirements.

    Renewal Approved

    If you meet all the requirements for approval, you will receive an email confirmation within 72 hours of the College receiving your renewal.  Your renewal sticker(s) will be mailed to you shortly following the approval.

    Confirmation of Payment Receipt and Official Tax Receipt

    Upon making payment, your tax receipt will be available for download at the Member Portal within 72 hours of receipt of payment. To access your receipt, please login to the Member Portal, select the Documents tab, and the year in which you made your payment.

    Office Hours

    Monday: Closed
    Tuesday: 10:00am-3:00pm
    Wednesday: 10:00am-3:00pm
    Thursday: 10:00am-3:00pm
    Friday: Closed

    Call or Fax

    Office: 902.425.7928
    Fax: 902.425.0360


    5991 Spring Garden Road, Suite 342
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 1Y6

    Email -

    * Closed Weekends & Holidays

    Call 902.425.7928 to schedule an appointment

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